• Image of V and D Steam Pack one 2x3 pack

Vagi-Steam blend contains up to 30 herbs that have both cleansing and healing properties. The list of herbs includes: Rosemary, Lavender, Oregano, Marigold, Basil, Rose Petals, Burdock, Motherwort, Yarrow, Red Clover, Chamomile, Dandelion, Mugwort, Wormwood, Plantain, Thyme, Sage, Red Raspberry Leaf, Peony, Dong Quai, Peppermint, Ginger, Cinnamon, Lemon Balm, Yellow Dock, Squaw Vine, St. John's Wort, Mint and Horsetail. V-steam/abdominal Therapy (Also called Yoni, Vagi- Steam, The Vaginal Steam Bath, Hip Bath & Womb Treatment, Bajos, Bertangas, and chai-yok. The Steam Bath is a therapy used to relieve pain and inflammation, hemorrhoids, prostate disorders, and more. This ancient healing practice has been used for thousands of years and has extraordinary benefits for prostate therapy, erectile dysfunction, impotence, hemorrhoids, metabolism, immune system, bacterial infections, stress, and the respiratory system. The purpose of the V-Steam is to aid as an internal cleanser of the membranes of the vaginal tissues and the uterus. This is considered especially important for stagnant fertility conditions, and/or incomplete emptying of menses each cycle. V-Steams may also provide menstrual support, eliminate yeast infections and other vaginal bacteria, increase cervical fluids, relax vaginal canal and cervix, nourish and tone the uterine lining, prevent and ease bladder and kidney stones and more. Also called Yoni, Vagi- Steam, The Vaginal Steam Bath, Hip Bath & Womb Treatment, Bajos, Bertangas, and chai-Yok. Nicknamed the V-steam and inspired by a similar remedy long used in some Asian cultures, the cleanse consists of sitting on an open-seated chair, under which a humidifier emits herb-infused steam for 30 to 45 minutes. While some get the steams to relieve stress, others swear by its health benefits like its ability to boost fertility, ease menstrual cramps, balance hormones, improve your sex life and fight infection.
For men's and ladies