• Image of Tiger eye bracelet

Tiger eye is a stone that is connected to the manipura chakr, the third chakra situated near the solar plexus. This energy centre governs personal power and self confidence. Tigers eye stones will assist in clearing imbalances within Manipur. it will help you become the most powerful, self assured version of yourself you can be.

The manipura chakra will help you begin to trust yourself more and pave your own way through your life. When this chakra is properly balanced, you'll start feeling more empowered and motivated.

If you feel like you're lacking bravery in some aspect of your life, its good to know that you can create a powerful programme to build courage using crystals. carrying, placing and wearing Tigers eye stones properly will allow you to manifest its energy and align you with its boldness.

You will find your fears less overwhelming and may see yourself reaching the success you've long dreamed of. Its recommended to carry this stone with you, place it in particular areas in your environment, and wear it as well to get the most out of it.

The easiest way to summon Tigers eye stone energy is to simply place it in your picketer your purse or wear it as a bracelet. These areas allow you to keep it close to you and tap into its energies whenever you need to. This can be particularly useful when you have an important interview coming up or a difficult conversation to undertake.

Filling your home, workspace, or another environment that you frequent with Tigers eye is also highly recommended. Placing it somewhere prominent, where you can easily catch sight of it, can help promote more courageous decisions specific to the space its in.

Having Tiger eye as a bracelet makes it easier to achieve all of this having it on you at all times.